We will be obliged to receive your comments on the articles below at david.hew@apca.net. If you have an article you wish to contribute, please send us a draft.
- What is Offset Countertrade & Structured Finance
- True Collaterals in Structured Finance
- Potential Applications of Structured Commodity Financing Techniques for Banks in Developing Countries
- Documentary Risks in Commodity Finance
- Collateralized Commodity Financing – With Special Reference to the Use of Warehouse Receipts
- A Survey of Commodity Price Risk Management Instruments
- Counterparty and Sovereign Risk, and Mitigation Tools
- Why Offsets?
- Interview on Offset in India by Indian Infoline
- Offset and PPP – How one complement the other
- Helping private enterprises create jobs
- Interview on Offset in the Asia Pacific region by Jane’s Defence
- Offset: A For-Profit Social Philanthropy?
- Information Memorandum on workshop on the critical success factors in the development of an Offset pogramme